Monday, April 20, 2009

A Tragic Love Story

I do not have much to offer today. But I will give a little window to what happens to be swimming around in my head right now.

Spring, you remind me of my first girlfriend. You showed up on what had been a cold winter day when I was really needing someone like you. That was back in February. Right after Valentine's Day to make matters worse. You winked and flirted and promised you'd never leave... then pbpblt! You were gone. Every time you come back I forget how much your previous exit wounded me and I am in love all over again.

Spring... come back and stay you fickle whore!!!


Stephanie said...

wow. I've never thought of spring as a whore, but it's got a nice ring to it.
We can't wait to see you guys!!!!!!!!!

Stacey Wilson said...

Who was your first girlfriend? My memory fails me. I have two names in mind.