Friday, April 24, 2009

Horsin' Around

For the past few days Amanda and I have been in West Springfield, Massachusetts where I am playing music for the UPHA-14 Spring Premier Horseshow. I'm still getting used to my new Yamaha keyboard so the first day was a little stressful, but now I have found my groove and am rockin' with the rhythm of hoof beats.

The Eastern States Exposition Center is a beautiful old brick coliseum on a compound of sorts, surrounded by replicas of many of the eastern states' capitol buildings. The horses' stable areas are immaculately clean and decorated with colorful banners, curtains, brass lanterns, fountains, plants and huge glossy photographs of stunningly beautiful American Saddlebred, Morgan, and Frisian horses. Since this is one of the first shows of the season, everyone seems exited to be here and see friends after a winter's season back home.

The familiar smell of hay and the sounds of horses' pawing and clip clopping on black top is a powerful memory that always transports me to a carefree time when I was a kid hanging out at the stables with my Mammaw and Papaw. I guess we all return to what is familiar in one way or another. Even though my saddle is an organ bench now, I get to ride along vicariously while helping to create the festive mood that makes for a great horseshow.

I'm writing this to remind myself that I'm a lucky dog; and when I've been sitting there for umpteen hours trying to think of another good song appropriate for a little girl named Suzy to show Star's Big Something-or-other to, that I'm just carrying on an old family tradition. And I am thankful for the opportunity.

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