If you look at my reading list, you'll see that I'm reading Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad Poor Dad". Anybody who is at all into the latest financial best sellers has probably read this already. But if you are like me and you still haven't read it, there are some challenging ideas in there for anyone who thinks the best way to make money is to find a good job with benefits and work hard.
Among those challenging views, Kiyosaki proposes that greed, in moderation, can be the perfect antidote for laziness. He says "whenever you find yourself avoiding something you know you should be doing, then the only thing to ask yourself is: 'What's in it for me?'"
I don't know about you, but as a Christian and polite southerner, that little phrase just doesn't feel very sweet, or Christian. I believe, however that those wonderful values we grew up on can sometimes get in the way of us acting in our own best interest. We put others first to a fault so much that we do not reach our own full potential, therefore shortchanging our ability to bless to others.
Maybe you are contemplating whether or not to volunteer at church. Maybe it is that you can't find the motivation to make your health a priority. If "what's in it for you" means you are more like the person God called you to be, or that you will feel strong and healthy, and look like the sexy beast/beastess that is hiding under those winter layers of fat, then by all means... grab a little sump'm fo yo OWN sef!
In the photo you see on the left, my Mamma, who taught me everything I know about being sweet, and on the right, my Mammaw, who taught me everything I know about being my OWN sef. I couldn't love them any more if I tried. I'm the one in the middle.
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