I know I've heard it other places, but most recently I think it was on Dave Ramsey's radio show that I heard that quote, "the enemy of great is good." This concept has been in my thoughts quite a bit lately. As someone who has always relied on "talent" I'm afraid I'm good at a whole lot of things but I can't really say with much confidence what I'm truly great at. So I think I know what my New Year's resolution is.
Yesterday, I went to the gym like I do pretty regularly. Only this particular Thursday I decided to get my $25 fitness assessment. After answering some health questions, getting my blood pressure, resting heart rate taken, a skin fold test, walking a mile around a track and performing some rudimentary exercises, I was handed a printout that proclaimed me to be average. Now for many people this could be fantastic news, but somehow it felt a little like a kid who brought home a "C" when he was hoping for at least an A-. I was standing in the locker room looking at a "Men's Health" article about Lance Armstrong when that phrase came to mind "the enemy of great is good." My mind went back to high school band practice with Mr. Washam. Now in Arab, Alabama, during the rein of Wayne Washam, marching band and excellence were synonymous. His reputation as a leader was somewhere between Bear Bryant and Jesus Christ in my mind. He talked to us about what it takes to be the best in a way that made you want to name your first, second and third born after him. Then I glanced at Lance's midsection, and back at mine. Ok, I'm not Lance and I have no delusions that I will ever be. But I can strive for excellence in every area of my life. I can look at what I'm doing and see how I can do it with better discipline and be better. I can aim for great... and that is what I want to do in 2009.
I want to be one of those people who have a thread of greatness that is evident in every area of life. In my relationships, in my work, and in the way I take care of my body. So will I be on the tour de France in 2010? Probably not. Will I be a better piano playing, horse painting, home improving, husband, son, grandson, brother, friend? You better believe it.
5 months ago
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