Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Crossfit Total Day

I don't know about you, but I was ready for spring about a month ago. That means, about right now.. just don't talk to me about it. I'm doing what I can to accentuate the positive and all that, but dang! Cold, wet, dark, nasty brown snow piled up on the side of the road, dry itchy skin, high gas bills, dead grass, BLAAAAAH!!!

The top pic is me getting in a little handstand practice on a summer trip to Gulf Shores. Thank me later, ladies.

So when something positive happens like what happened today at Crossfit, I am ready to seize the opportunity to celebrate. In Crossfit, we have a periodic "check-up" kind of day when we test our strength in three fundamental exercises. It is called "Crossfit Totals." Today I busted my previous total by seventy pounds.

If you can't tell, I'm the second guy in this photo. These came from Crossfit Murfreesboro's website. It is an awesome community of elite athletes and I am so glad to be a part of it.

Even though it will not mean anything to most of you, I will give the numbers: My strict press was 115, squat was 280, and dead lift was 340. We total those numbers together to calculate our score. My goal was 700, and today I totaled 735! Yeah. Beamer's on FI-YAH!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Woohoo on reaching and surpassing your goal, Stacy!!