As I mentioned in an earlier post, this week marks five years with my sweetheart, Amanda. We still laugh at each other, we cook for each other, we clean up after each other, we share friends, we tell each other our worries, we cry together, we sometimes get a little weary of the other, we each tell the other how cute the other is pretty often, we try hard not to speak harsh words to each other (even though we don't always succeed,) we visit in-laws, we feed the dog, get the mail, give each other directions in the car, hug almost every morning, sometimes dance spontaneously, get really frustrated with each other, say we're sorry (whether we mean it or not,) but mostly what we do... is love each other.
This is the greatest evidence of God's grace that I know of. That two people from different families and unlike backgrounds can meet, fall in love, commit to a relationship, honor said commitment, and share their lives in relative harmony. It is the miracle that I am most thankful for right now. There are many, but this one is my favorite.
I love you guys! Happy Anniversary!
This is the sweetest tribute. Amanda is very lucky to have her husband love and support her so unconditionally. This is a love note to save! Your writing is very pleasant to read. You have many good thoughts!!
Congratulations on FIVE years!
My how time flies. It seems like yesterday you were just getting married. ( and we got lost trying to find the church, but we found it) What a sweet ceremony it was!
Best wishes for many, many more happy years to come!
The Sanford Family
This is so sweet.
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